(原标题:CBN Special丨SFC Correspondents: “Creativity is Intelligence Having Fun”) Hi, I am Stephanie Li. Thank you for joining this episode of CBN special. Albert Einstein once said, “Creativity is intelligence having fun.” When you speak with a researc
国家金融监督管理总局11月26日消息,金融监管总局党委书记、局长李云泽近日主持召开保险业高质量发展座谈会,听取有关意见建议。李云泽表示,保险业要发挥保险资金长期投资优势,加大对战略性新兴产业、先进制造业、新型基础设施等重点领域投资力度。 (原标题:CBN Special丨China-Brazil relations set sail in the next “golden 50 years”) This week marks the 50th anniversary of diplomatic